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Multiple page/step validations
In most of web applications we have multiple pages. 15- 20 pages are common for any medium sized application. So in those cases we may need to test multiple pages in a single test case.
This situation can be handled by adding more steps in same test case. TestRunID would remain same for all the steps.
package Refined; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import; import; import; public class fullpageAshot { static WebDriver driver; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //Using selenium Launch browser and navigate to URL System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\...\\Desktop\\selenium\\chromedriver.exe"); driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get(""); // change the position from sticky to relative to remove stickiness ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("document.getElementsByClassName(\"navbar navbar-expand navbar-dark flex-column flex-md-row bd-navbar\")[0].style.position='relative';"); //Get full page screenshot using Ashot and generate base64 image Screenshot screenshot = new AShot().shootingStrategy(ShootingStrategies.viewportPasting(1000)).takeScreenshot(driver); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(screenshot.getImage(),"PNG", out); byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); String imagebase64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes); //Get unique TestRunID for a specific project using Project key and Test name String uid = getUID("Multi Page", "fca709ea-d527-4f30-abc2-fa7e2af8afaf"); //Send a Validate Request using the Unique TestID, Step name & Base64 Image postRequest("Step 1 - Sticky",uid,imagebase64); ///For Page 2 driver.get(""); //Get full page screenshot using Ashot and generate base64 image screenshot = new AShot().shootingStrategy(ShootingStrategies.viewportPasting(1000)).takeScreenshot(driver); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(screenshot.getImage(),"PNG", out); bytes = out.toByteArray(); imagebase64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes); //Same TestRunID will be used for multiple pages of same test cases //Send a Validate Request using the Unique TestID, Step name & Base64 Image postRequest("Step 2 - Google",uid,imagebase64); driver.quit(); } //Get unique Test ID for a specific project using Rest Assured public static String getUID(String testName, String projectKey) { try { RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given(); request.header("content-type", "application/json"); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("TestName", testName); json.put("ProjectKey", projectKey); request.body(json.toJSONString()); Response response = request.when().post(""); int code = response.getStatusCode(); String response_id = response.getBody().asString(); System.out.println("TestID: " + response_id); return response_id; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.toString(); } } //Post a request using public static void postRequest(String stepName, String uid, String imagebase64) throws IOException { RequestSpecification request1 = RestAssured.given(); request1.header("content-type", "application/json"); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("TestRunID", uid.replace("\"", "")); jo.put("StepName", stepName); jo.put("ImageBase64", imagebase64); System.out.println("imagebase64:" + imagebase64); request1.body(jo.toJSONString()); Response response1 = request1.when().post(""); String response_id1 = response1.getBody().asString(); System.out.println("Response: " + response_id1); } }