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ImagiumAI.Jar can compare individual Images

ImagiumAI.jar is a supplementary utility to which allows comparison of standalone images and PDF files. Visual inspection procedures can be performed on one or multiple images and PDF’s in a folder. This utility can easily be run via command line and has following features:

  1. Can compare on individual image
  2. Can compare multiple images in a folder all at once
  3. Can compare individual PDF File
  4. Can compare multiple PDF files
  5. Can compare multiple PDF and Image files in a folder all at once

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The first run creates a baseline and subsequent run are automatically compared against each other.

The image from baseline is compared with current image having same Test Name and Step Name

Sample: Compare All the files in the folder

Java -jar ImagiumAI.jar -k 4e282cc0-52a9-4a31-bec9-1ce396d24a10 -u -t Regression -f “C:\baseline” -m Default

Compare individual files in the folder

Java -jar ImagiumAI.jar -k 4e282cc0-52a9-4a31-bec9-1ce396d24a10 -u -t Regression -f “C:\baseline\Image1.png” -m Default

Negative Testing

Java -jar ImagiumAI.jar -k 4e282cc0-52a9-4a31-bec9-1ce396d24a10 -u -t Regression -f “C:\baseline\Image1.png” -ty “Negative” -tr “0,0,500,500”


k – Project Key

t – Test Name (Unique Identifier)

f – File Name/Folder Name

u – url/endpoint

d – DPI for PDf’s (Optional)

p – Passowrd for protected PDF’s (Optional)

m – Mode (Default|Strict) – Optional

ty – Type (Positive|Negative) – Optional

tr – Target (x,y,width,height|x1,y1,width1,height1;x2,y2,width2,height2) (Only for Negative)

ex – Exclude (x,y,width,height|x1,y1,width1,height1;x2,y2,width2,height2) (Optional)

ig – Ignore (Integer – Square pixels to ignore – Optional)
tagsAssign tags to a step (e.g. “SIT,English,Release1” etc. – Optional)