14. WebdriverIO Integration with Imagium using Typescript

14. WebdriverIO Integration with Imagium using Typescript

WebdriverIO is test automation framework/tool for web and mobile application. It is open source and the underlying protocols are the same as Webdriver. WebdriverIO is getting popular especially for automation of React and Angular applications. Integration with Imagium...
13. Storybook Integration For Component Testing

13. Storybook Integration For Component Testing

Storybook is an amazing tool for visualizing UI components in isolation. It is an open source tool and gaining popularity amongst the UI developers. Being heavily focused on the UI components, it becomes a perfect environment to perform Visual testing. In this article...
12. Katalon Studio and Imagium

12. Katalon Studio and Imagium

Katalon studio is an automation testing tool which is created as a wrapper around various famous open source tools like Selenium and Appium. Katalon is capable of automating Web, Mobile, Desktop Apps and API’s etc. but it does not have an inbuilt support for...
11. Jira integration with Imagium

11. Jira integration with Imagium

Atlassian Jira is one of the most widely used test management and bug tracking tool. It would make perfect sense to have all the visual bugs form Imagium directly reported into Jira. Since Imagium is an API driven Visual Testing tool, it can be integrated with any...
10. Integration with C# and Selenium

10. Integration with C# and Selenium

C# is one of the most popular programing language. Imagium can be integrated with C# and selenium with great ease. In this example we shall use Restsharp to make API calls and NOKSA screenshot extension to take full page screenshot. Install these dependencies via...