What is the difference between Live snapshots and live reports in Imagium?
What is the most ideal use of these features in Visual testing?
Both live reports and live snapshots gives you the runtime status of your execution. Both can be used in your CICD pipeline or stand alone for a quick sneak peek of the execution. However there are some differences as below:
- Shows tabular result of the execution
- Contains Test Name, Status, Time stamp and Mode
- This can be easily sorted
- The report is very light and does not consume much bandwidth
- Contains side by side view of baseline and current image along with highlighted differences
- Contains filters to display steps with specific status (Pass, Fail, new etc.)
- Ability to scale image size
Many teams prefer attaching link to both the reports in their email notification and other testing Dashboards. Bothe the reports can be embedded inside iFrames or used standalone.
Live Snapshots consume more network bandwidth than Live Reports since it renders images. So if your visual testing report goes to extremely large audience, you want to not share Live Snapshots.
So feel free to choose your reports based on your needs.