4. Multipage validations | Java & Selenium

Multiple page/step validations In most of web applications we have multiple pages. 15- 20 pages are common for any medium sized application. So in those cases we may need to test multiple pages in a single test case. This situation can be handled by adding more steps...

3. Sticky header full page screenshot | Java & Selenium

Full page screenshot for pages with sticky header Sticky headers usually create issues with full page screenshots as they appear multiple times in the screenshot. A small trick before taking the screenshot can fix this issue. Identify the sticky element in DOM and...

2. Full Page Screenshot | Java & Selenium

Full Page Screenshot with selenium | Java Integration with Java and selenium for a full page screenshot is dependent on third party libraries like Ashot and Shutterbug. Full page screenshot shall be first converted into base64 image and then posted with the validate...

1. Screenshots | Java & Selenium

Integration with selenium The integration process with Java and Selenium is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. The primary task involves capturing a screenshot in the Base64 format. Once this is accomplished, the user simply needs to send a POST request...